Dr. Benjamin Levi, the founder-president of FICF, was born in a middle class family of 7 members with only his father as a bread earner. Among the 5 siblings only he had the privilege to study in an English medium school. Later he had the possibility to purse higher studies in Theology and Public Administration (Bachelor and Masters) from reputed institutions in India but it was beyond the ability of his parents to support his studies financially and there was no possibility of a part-time job in India. It was then someone sponsored his studies on both occasions, which enabled him to successfully complete his theological studies. Until this day Benjamin doesn’t know the person who invested in his life for his studies but certainly it meant a lot to him and his family. Today, he leads an international non-profit organization based out of Geneva that works with national leaders and public policy makers worldwide to bring a life transforming impact top down in their respective nations and communities.
His wife Dr. Jessy Benjamin grew up in New Delhi in a family of 4 members and her dad served in a senior rank with the Government of India. Her parents gave the best they could to their 2 daughters. After completing Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and MBA from New Delhi, Jessy was invited at a Swiss university to work on a PhD in Economics and Social Sciences. Today she serves at leading roles in multinational companies making impacts at a macro economical level. To work for the welfare of women and children is in the core of her heart. She desires that girl children get a holistic education and women be liberated to realize their potential impact on family, society and nation.
About 25% of India’s population live below poverty line without even a square meal a day. Jessy & Benjamin say that they may not be able to impact all the 250 million but they could certainly make a difference in whatever level they could. Hence, in 2005 while they were both students working on their doctoral research with a small income in a foreign land away from home and family, through many struggles decided to put aside whatever they could to turn their vision to a mission, establishing FICF.